Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Goodbye to a Very Dear Friend

Although she had nothing to do with my Scooby trip, I wanted to post that my 13 year old retired racing greyhound passed away last Wednesday.

She has been with me since she was 2 years old & came off a track in Colorado. Her name is Paola's Cowgirl or Cow Cow.

She was a very nice & quiet girl. She never wanted much more than a really soft pillow or two. She was the queen of the house even though Scout has been known to challenge her from time to time.

I will miss her very much.

I wanted to thank Dr. Kim Gruber from South Bend Animal Clinic for coming to the house on Wednesday night in our time of need. You are a wonderful friend & a true professional. I appreciate your patience & compassion.

The Puppies Get Fixed!

Good news for the pups! They are officially fixed & chipped! :) They can now be scanned in Europe & the United States!

Charlie is still doing great at Ann's house! He does lots of cute things & she loves him dearly!

The little girl is still at my house & doing well. Her operation has not seemed to slow her down at all so we are really struggling to keep her confined & rested! She & Toro just love eachother & want to play constantly!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Little Boy Goes to His Forever Home!

It is official! The little boy from Spain is in his forever home with my friend Ann! He really lucked out!

Ann has a 14 year old schnauzer mix who is not very happy about the new arrival this week, but we are confident that she will come around! He is also living with 3 large birds including a Macaw named Miami!

Ann reports that he is doing great ... I report that she is spoiling him rotten! :) He has new toys, new clothes & goes everywhere with her! It was love at first sight!!!

We are all going to Family Pet this week again for our second visit & to set up our spay & neuter!