There are just a few things that I did not want to forget about ...
Cobi's Neopolitan Mastiff, Klause ... This is a huge dog & every time I came around him with another staff member, they asked Cobi to put him on a chain so I would not be afraid. Little did they know that I had played with Klause almost every day because he was always near the puppy enclosure! I learned very quickly not to get him too excited though because I still have huge bruises on my legs where he scratched me! He did not mean it badly at all .. he is just so big!
Fermin's dogs ... Fermin has several dogs that are his & will stay at the shelter for all their lives. They live in the entry way & they get to see everything that happens coming & going. One of the dogs is a gypsy dog named Laura & she adores Fermin & seconly Ahmed ... she is partial to men! She actually hates Maria Jose & will bite her ... Maria Jose said she tried to catch her for a year! Anyway, the little galga actually let me pet her a few times & once at length ... Maria Jose said "What is this???" and Fermin said that he would have to talk with Laura about letting me pet her ... We decided that I am so tall that maybe she thought I was a man! :) Not very flattering for me, but it amused them all & I think that they need a good laugh or two every day! :)
Ahmed asking about the term "to hell" ... this was rather funny because Ahmed saw a movie that used the term & he was confused about how to use it in a sentence. Claire & I finally got the gist of what he was wanting to know and instructed him ... so he said "To hell with Maria Jose!" and smiled ... I told him that I was going to tattle on him to his boss & his eyes got pretty big! I let him off the hook ... :)
The wire haired fox terrier! She came in the day before I left & was probably about a year old. She really liked me & had the typical terrier "don't take no for an answer" attitude. She broke out of her enclosure twice & followed me all over ... the surgery room, down the hall, the kitchen .... anyway, they agreed to just let her roam the courtyard with Fermin's dogs for awhile & whenever I would sit down she would jump up on my lap! Too funny! I could also call her over & she would jump up & I would catch her in mid-air .. then she was content for me to carry her on my hip all over the courtyard. She was a lovely girl!
I will post more as I remember it! :)